Tobaski on The Watch!

Eid al-Adha, locally known as Tobaski, is an Islamic festival celebrated every year on the 10th of Dhul Hijjah (Islamic calendar) by Muslims to commemorate the willingness of Ibrahim (also known as Abraham) to follow Allah’s (God’s) command to sacrifice his son, Ismail. On this day, Muslims slaughter a lamb, sheep, goat or a camel to honor the sacrifice of Ibrahim. A sense of generosity and gratitude colors this festival.

In the Gambia, Eid is mostly celebrated the first two days and often three days in some households. People plan gatherings as a way to celebrate the occasion together with their loved ones. Whilst this festival brings its own feeling of celebration, people easily get overwhelmed and forget that thieves, rapists, and armed robbers are all among us and they have no identity tags whatsoever. So this post is not to create fear but to simply remind us to be cautious and celebrate responsibly.

Right now, thieves are on the screening spree, so we ought to be vigilant as the country is no longer that safe. Needless to say, they are now targeting people’s rams like vultures preying on dead meat. Any slight mistake, bam! Your livestock is gone! Also, on Eid day, you may see a total stranger come to your house asking if you need help to kill your animal. Please, do not let them in unless you know them. It can be a trap.

Parents, please advise and try to control your kids movements especially to unknown places. Human trafficking is real! Of recent, we see kids going to random households asking for “salibo” (money given to children by relatives and neighbors, on Eid day. I don’t know why, so don’t ask). People, especially girls, are being abducted now and then. A friend of mine recently almost got kidnapped and when she went to report to the police station, she was told that these kinds of complains are very frequent these days. Also recently, we have seen an increasing number of rape cases being reported on the newspapers, and this is a good time for rapists to make their moves.

And to the ladies, I’m not saying you shouldn’t wear your jewelries and or expensive wigs, but when you do so, please avoid walking in isolated places, especially when it is dark. Also stop showing off of your latest mobile phones. They will snatch that latest iPhone and Brazilian hair within a twinkle of an eye darling! Trust me.

Hence, when outdoors, always pay attention to people’s body languages as it always give them away. If you see someone looking at you or your accessories greedily, be careful, they may have ill intention. Best thing to do is to get reinforcement from other people or call the police on 117!


While we wish you a joyous Eid, and expect your comments, let’s have;

15 thoughts on “Tobaski on The Watch!

  1. I had a scare the other day when a white vehicle trailed behind me and when I asked its occupants for their reason of stalking me , they didn’t so much as utter a single word. All they did was to give me some cold stares which was really creepy. I developed cold feet for a few minutes and the moment I mustered enough energy, I took to my heels and ran as fast as my legs could carry me.They went as far as malhandling the nice guy who walked me to where some soldiers were stationed. At this point one would think they would give up on their stalking mission but no they didn’t , undaunted the y were by the heavy army presence . They were so hell bent on finding out where I lived that they were oblivious to the presence of the soldiers and the consequences their dangerous action could yield. They just went about trailing behind me and the soldier who was kind enough to walk me home. All that while tension ricocheted through my body and my stomach churned with fear( fear I had never known before).Luckily with the help of the soldier and a handful of neighbours, I was able to slip into my home without the notice of my stalkers( the soldier went to the car and distracted them while I slipped into my home).A close one that was… Apparently the police are scanning the entire nation in search of those idiots. ( I’m totally unimpressed by their efforts)..

    1. This is beyond creepy, OMG!!! One can only imagine what they would have done to you had they had the opportunity to lay their hands on you or know where you lived. This is really scary. I would advise your watch your back at all times and always have with you pepper spray or a taser gun (if that’s allowed) for protection. I know it can be so frustrating to constantly be looking back when walking to make sure no one is trailing behind you. I am so sorry you had to go through this. We should all take heed and be vigilant..this is real. Thank you for sharing girl.

  2. Interesting article! I’m sure your fellow ladies will pay attention to the issues raised. It’s very unfortunate that our society is becoming a lawless one. Prevention is better than curing. You should have included the police too, their duties should be visible on occasions like this.

  3. I hope this can be shared so we can learn and be more cautious! The theft and rape cases are really alarming. The “salibo” thingy is fun but as parents we should be on the watch always! Its sad to see 5,6 olds unaccompanied in the streets,which shouldn’t have happened.

  4. Is there another way to strike the nail on the head ? The truth can not be more defined, it is said that a word for the wise ….!!!!

  5. Nice read aisha. My sister was a victim of rape last year around these same time, but we had to keep the silence on as people blamed my mum for letting the girls go out till late my dad never got to know about it. You can only imagine what he would have done to my mother. Parents really should talk to their kids about the dangers out there while celebrating. The world is no longer a safe place. Thank you for your good work

    1. i am so sorry to hear that your sister encounter such a heinous experience and your family had to go through all that. The reason why we do what we do is to bring about positive change in people’s lives even if it’s just with a single post. We hope that the culture of silence is broken so people can speak up and not be judged. Thank you for sharing.

    2. This is really sad! I hope she doesn’t have trauma! May Allah heal her from her pain. Only Allah knows what she is going through.

  6. Lmao Isha, I was enjoying the peice until halfway through I started laughing out loud. I appreciate your hidden advice.

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